Five Fold Affairs
The Office of Five-Fold Affairs honors and supports the call and work of the Lord’s gifts of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. We believe that each of these ministries are vital to the effectual working of the Kingdom, both individually and also collectively. It is the responsibility of Five-Fold Affairs to ensure that our national organization has people in place focusing on each of these important areas of ministry, and that those empowered to serve in these capacities on the local level have the resources and development necessary to thrive in their area of gifting.
We are honored to be led by Bishop-designate Dr. Davina Jones from Today's Church Tampa Bay in Tampa, FL.

Apostolic (Govern)
National Apostle: Overseer Romell Parks-Weekly
The Sacturary | St. Louis, Missouri
The apostolic team provides oversight and support for COTEK’s records and logistics, organizational leadership and architecture, finances, and foundational impact, while also maintaining a national standard for diversity, inclusion, and equity.
The COTEK Portal is Live! If you're a COTEK clergy person, access the Portal here.
Resource Directory – resources that local entities can use to enhance their ministries
Prophetic (Guide)
National Prophet: Elder Katrina Johnson-Smith
The prophetic team provides voice to the mind and heart of God, while facilitating the sights and sounds of the Kingdom in engaging and setting atmospheres, offering intercession, and overseeing the music and media ministries.
Kingdom Covenant Ministries & Network
Baltimore, MD

Evangelistic (Gather)
National Evangelist: Bishop Stacey Latimer
Love Alive International Sanctuary of Praise
New York, NY
The evangelistic team facilitates local, national, and international outreach efforts, while championing the ethical standard of inclusivity.
Pastoral (Guard)
National Pastor: Bishop Juanita Gillis
The pastoral team reveals the heart of God to the people of God by establishing guidelines of the care of souls, and overseeing the hospitality, shepherding, and ushers/greeters ministries of COTEK.
SCRIPTURE: "For God is not a God of disorder but of Peace." ~ 1 Corinthians 14:33
DENIAL: My thoughts do not hold me captive.
AFFIRMATION: I choose what thoughts define me.

Kingdom Covenant Ministries & Network
Baltimore, MD

Teaching (Grow)
National Teacher: Overseer Jackson Latimer
Love Alive International Sanctuary of Praise
New York, NY
The teaching team serves as the light-bringers, providing instructional resources and teaching supports on both the national and local levels.
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